photo of a beer

The Walter Brewing Company

126 Oneida St, Pueblo, CO 81003
Visit Our Website 

Date Established: Walter's Brewery dates back to the 1800's but the current location has been in place since the early 2000's

Current use/ownership of building:  Walter's Brewery currently operates as a Micro-Brewery serving several varieties of beers every generation of drinkers will appreciate--from our great city's forebearers who labored at the steel mill and in Pueblo businesses of all types; to modern craftbeer drinkers, artists, Bohemians, and bicyclists who keep Pueblo lively today.

Past use of building:  The building was originally ran by the Walter's family, sold in 1975 and then revamped in 2014


Annual events/functions (link to community events):

Food Truck Rallies


Fun fact: Brewed with clean Colorado water, the company supplied brews under dozens of labels in more than 20 states and became a Pueblo legend.

Community Impact: The Pueblo Chile is being put on the map with this brewery, another staple of the Pueblo community. From food trucks to trivia to bingo, the impact is providing a Pueblo staple and an opportunity to see the Pueblo social scene

This page is sponsored by the Leadership Pueblo Class of 2022.